1、enable sb to do sth 使或人能做某事
eg:The computer enables people to communicate with each other more conveniently.计算机使人们彼此间能更方便地交流。
2、be about to do sth… when 正要做某事……俄然……
eg:I was about to go shopping when it suddenly began to rain.我刚要出去买东西,天就俄然下雨了。
3、by accident/by chance/accidentally 偶尔地
4、come across sb 偶尔遇见
5、act on sth 依……行事
eg:Each student should act on the rules regulations of the school.每个学生都应该恪守校园的规章制度。
6、add to/add up to 加上/总计达
eg:The number of the patients added up to three hundred last week.上星期,患者人数达到了三百人。
7、in advance/ahead of time 提早
8、after all 究竟
9、agree to do sth/agree with sb 赞同做某事/赞同或人
10、have sth in common with sb 和或人有共同点
eg:The twins have a lot of things in common with each other.孪生姐妹间有许多类似点。
11、allow/permit/forbid doing sth 答应/答应/制止做某事
12、allow/permit/forbid sb to do sth 答应/答应/制止或人做某事
13、apologize to sb for sth 因某事向或人抱歉
14、take sth in one's arms 抱着……
15、arrive at a conclusion 得出结论
16、put sb to shame 使或人相形见绌
eg:His courage put all the other students to shame.他的勇气令其他学生都感到羞愧不如。
17、be astonish at sth 因某事感到震动
18、make the bed 铺床
19、blame sb for sth/it is me to blame 因某事责怪或人/该受责怪的人是我
20、break down/break up/break out/break into 坏了/遣散/爆发/破门而入
21、hold one's breath/out of breath 摒住呼吸/上气不接下气?
22、bring about/bring up 导致,使发作/抚育长大
23、burst into tears/laughters 俄然大哭/大笑
24、burst out crying/laughing 俄然大哭/大笑
25、call at sp/call on sb/call up/call off/call out to/call for/call on sb to do 访问某地/访问或人/打电话/撤销/大喊/叫来/召唤或人做某事
26、carry out/work out/point out/find out 实现/做出/指出/查明
27、catch up with sb/keep up with sb/put up with sb 赶上或人/跟上或人/忍受或人
28、change sth into sth/exchange sth for sth 把……变成/交换
eg:Can you change this note into coins?你能把这张纸币换成硬币吗?
eg:May I exchange this book for your new pen?我能用这本书换你的新笔吗?
29、come into being/come to oneself 构成/康复认识
eg:The new system came into being in the late 19th century.这种新体制在十九世纪后期开始构成。
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