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- 咨询、投诉电话:0551-6515703、18555158686
提示: 一个中国人正在和一个刚刚到达中国的美国人聊天。中国人询问他这次旅行的情况, 如: 到达的时间、怎么来的、旅行是否愉快、累不累、现住何处, 并在分别时祝他睡个好觉。
Chinese: 51 ( ) ?
American: Yes, I arrived here at 8 o'clock this morning.
Chinese: 52 ( )?
American: By plane first and then by train. It took more than 30 ( ) hours altogether.
Chinese: 53 ( )?
American: Yes, very much. It's quite pleasant, especially the time on the train.
Chinese: 54 ( ) ?
American: Yes, a little, but not very much. And now I'm feeling better after a nap.
Chinese: 55 ( ) ?
American: At the Grand Hotel. It is in the center of the city.
Chinese: Oh, it is a great hotel. Have a good sleep tonight. I'll visit you tomorrow.
A.Where are you living?
B.Did you reach today?
C. I arrived here two days ago.
D.Did you enjoy your trip?
E.How are you?
F.You felt tired after a long journey, didn't you?
G.How did you get here?
55. ( )